Partners and Participants |
Mandate, Interests and responsibility related to this project |
Role during project implementation |
Ministry of Natural Resources (Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen, NH) in particular the Geology and Mining Department (Geologische Mijnbouwkundige Dienst, GMD) |
Develops, implements and controls natural resources and mining policies and regulations; Issues mining concessions and licenses for large- and small-scale mining. |
Implementing Partner along with NIMOS / Senior beneficiary. Co-chairing member of the Project Board. Responsible and accountable for managing this project, including the monitoring and evaluation of project interventions, achieving project outcomes, and for the effective use of project resources; Lead the Stakeholder Platform; Delegate resources and executive mandate to designated Responsible Parties for an effective delivery of project outputs. Engage in Outcomes 1-2-3-4. |
National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (Nationaal Instituut voor Milieu en Ontwikkeling in Suriname) (NIMOS) |
Formulates and enforces national environmental legislation and regulations; coordinates and monitor compliance |
Implementing partner along with MNR/ Senior beneficiary. Co-chairing member of the Project Board / member of the Local Advisory Committee (LAC). Engage in Outcomes 1-2-3-4. Provide ongoing advice on environment and development matters; conduct environmental monitoring activities through the Environmental Planning and Information Office. The EPIO will participate in the participatory monitoring of environmental conditions under output 3.1; conduct a biodiversity assessment in areas surrounding demonstration sites of Brokopondo North of Lake under output 1.3; participate in the updating of the Gonini portal related to mining areas mapping (output 1.3), and forest and forest carbon mapping with SBB (output 1.3) |
Suriname Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control (SBB) |
SBB is the National Forestry Authority for achieving sustainable rational utilization of Surinamese forests through an efficient professional organization in continuous consultation with the relevant stakeholders. It is an executive organ of the Ministry of Natural Resources. |
The SBB will benefit from training under Outcome 1, and will also participate in monitoring efforts, together with EPIO, under outcome 1, including the efforts to update the Gonini platform with ASGM related information. SBB will also be a participant in the Stakeholder Platform of the project. |
Environmental Office within the Cabinet of the President |
Leads national coordination for environmental issues in Suriname |
Will support the project by supporting the strengthening of the enabling conditions such as pursuing ongoing legal reforms of the Mining Code and institutional reforms (e.g. creation of MINAS), ratification of international environmental treaties e.g. Minamata. Contributes to the development and enforcement of laws and regulations under Outcomes 1 and 2, as well as the development of financing mechanisms |
Inter-ministerial Advisory Commission (IMAC) |
Comprised of permanent secretaries of 17 Ministries, IMAC is a body set up for reporting and joint decision-making on environmental projects and issues |
The project will work with the Inter Ministerial Advisory Committee (IMAC) to assist in defining a better mechanism for systematic coordination on environmental and mining issues, which will enable key participating ministries to make mining – related decisions that duly consider environmental concerns, and prevent the adoption of counter-productive policies. IMAC will also benefit from high-level training on environmental impacts of ASGM (output 1.1.), and will participate in the TSA exercises under output 2.3. |
Commission for Regulation of the Gold Sector (Commissie Ordening Goudsector, OGS) |
Regulates the mining sector by registering small scale miners and ASM operations, re-establishing government authority and controlling ASM sites |
Participate in the Local Advisory Committee for the MTECs and in monitoring of the implementation of ERM practices by registered miners. Register miners for the project; the OGS will also play a key role under output 1.1 and 1.3, which is concerned with strengthening institutional, legal and regulatory capacity as well as enforcement capacity. Tools such as the land mapping (output 1.3) the TSA (output 2.3), will feed in to their ongoing enforcement work. OGS will also be called upon to assist in the design of financing instruments for long-term rehabilitation, as well as to participate in discussions with gold buyers under Output 3.5 designed to increase the demand for ER gold. |
Ministry of Health |
The Ministry of Health is responsible for the health care policy and its implementation in Suriname. The Ministry's work is mainly realized by its executive agencies. In addition, the Ministry conducts supervision and inspection of executive agencies. |
The Ministry of Health will participate in the deployment of the MTEC's supportive incentive schemes. Ministry of Health with provide cofinancing to the project's outcome 3 in support of the Medical Mission (MZ), which will provide key medical services through the MTECs. |
Ministry of Regional Development |
The Ministry of Regional Development, administers the ten districts of Suriname and is oversight, monitoring and guidance to the Districts of Suriname’s districts, coordinating development activities and governance in these areas. Furthermore, the Ministry is mandated to develop and improve the livelihoods and living conditions of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (ITP) and communities in the districts and particularly the interior. This through policy development, promote and enhance citizen participation in the decision-making processes at different local level of resorts and district; maintain relationships with the central government dignitaries and ITP; |
The Ministry of Regional Development will participate within the project through livelihoods development of Sustainable Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) and horticulture production systems, facilitate stakeholder engagement and participation of ITP within local level decision making structures of the project and project implementation |
Our stakeholders and partners
Stakeholder engagement
The overall objective of stakeholder engagement in the EMSAGS project is to ensure acceptable[1] and effective[2] inclusion of groups that have a stake, interest or right where mining is taking place and those who make used of the forest and those that will be affected positively or negatively by the mining activities.
Furthermore, the EMSAGS project wants to ensure that:
- Through stakeholder engagement special attention is given to stakeholders that are currently involved in mining
- Stakeholder engagement build capacity to upgrade the stakeholders’ participation level, particularly for vulnerable groups.
- Changes in stakeholder engagement is tracked by effective monitoring and timely evaluation of the engagement activities executed during the project.
[1] Acceptable inclusion: stakeholders agree with the process and method for stakeholder engagement.
[2] Effective inclusion: stakeholders understand the EMSAGS project and environmentally responsible mining and can give specific valuable and timely input according to a defined role.
The project will rely on the participation of a broad spectrum of stakeholders from government, civil society, academia and local communities.
The project will work through the Ministry of Natural Resources and NIMOS, in coordination with other governmental and non-governmental partners. Partnerships will be established with national and international NGOs to achieve its intended results. The key government departments and organizations with responsibilities in the gold mining sector are listed in the table below

Stakeholders involved in the project, including partners
Tabel 1.
The Stakeholder Platform (SP)
The SP will support the PB and the PMU with technical guidance, specifically on social-economic, environmental and gender related actions in the implementation of the project. The SP will meet quarterly per year, or more as needed.
The composition of the core SP is proposed as follows:
- Ministry of Natural Resources, represented by GMD
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Regional Development and Sport
- Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment
- National Institute for Environment & Development (NIMOS)
- The Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control (SBB)
- Anton de Kom University of Suriname, environment or geological department:
- Field of study: Geosciences
- Field of study: Environmental Sciences
- Suriname Office of Standards (SSB)
- NGO’s, represented based on thematic areas
- Large scale mining companies:
- Iam Gold Rosebel Gold Mines
- Newmont
- Artisanal Gold Council (AGC)
- Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM)
- Commission for the Regulation of Gold Sector (OGS)
- The National Assembly, represented by a member of the environment commission
NGO’s per thematic area
Thematic Area |
Organization |
Environment |
Conservation International (CI) |
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) |
Urban Planning |
Spatial Planning Association Suriname (SPASU) |
Mining |
Stichting Houders Mijnbouw rechten Foundation of Mining Rights Holders (SHMR) |
Association SSM Makamboa (Brokopondo) |
Association SSM Paamaka |
Association SSM Camp Mining (Brokopondo) |
Indigenous and tribal communities |
Maroon Communities – KAMPOS |
Vereniging van Inheemse Dorpshoofden in Suriname (VIDS) |
Organisatie van Inheemse Volken in Suriname (OIS) |
Industry |
Suriname Trade and Industry Association (STIA/VSB) |
Suriname Business Forum (SBF) |
The key roles of the Stakeholder Platform
- Review progress and recommend adaptive actions, if any, to the PMU;
- Recommend specific actions related to social-economic, environmental and gender related project activities;
- Provide technical guidance for engaging with communities, with emphasis on communities surrounding the mining areas and miner’s associations, as well as other key stakeholders;
- Pro-actively consider issues arising under safeguards policies (Free Prior Informed Consent, public disclosure, national or international agreements) and recommend preventive or mitigation actions;
- Provide a forum for stakeholder’s consultation and information sharing;
- Review and comment on policy and guideline documents and other documentary outputs of the project;
- Promote the upscaling of project result through dissemination to relevant persons and/or organizations;
- Provide suggestions for messages in public communications and awareness activities;
- Promote partnerships with relevant institutions/organizations for information sharing and increased project impact;
- Participate in knowledge- and information sharing events.