Who we are
The Implementing Partners for this project are the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS). The Implementing Partners are responsible and accountable for managing this project, including the monitoring and evaluation of project interventions, achieving project outcomes, and for the effective use of UNDP resources. The Senior Supplier is UNDP and the Senior Beneficiary is the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment.

organization structure
The project organization structure is as follows:

The Project Board (PB)
The PB is co-chaired by MNR/NIMOS. The PB shall meet at least once per year. It will be responsible for making by consensus, management decisions when guidance is required by the Project Manager, including recommendations for UNDP/Implementing Partner approval of Annual Work Plans, procurement and project plans and revisions. The PB plays a critical role in project monitoring and evaluation, by assuring quality of these processes and products, and using evaluations for performance improvement, accountability and learning.
The PB’s role is also to ensure that required resources are committed to the project’s objective, to arbitrate on any conflicts within the project, and to negotiate a solution to any problems with external bodies. In addition, it approves the appointment and responsibilities of the Project Manager (PM) and any delegation of its Project Assurance responsibilities.
Based on the approved Annual Work Plan (AWP), the PB can also consider and approve the quarterly plans (if applicable) and also approve any essential deviations from the original plans. The responsibilities of the PB will be to:
- Supervise and approve the annual work plans
- Supervise and approve short term expert requirements;
- Supervise project activities through monitoring progress and approving annual reports;
- Provide strategic advice to the implementing institutions to ensure the project achieves its objectives and to ensure the integration of project activities with national and sub-national sustainable development and climate resilience objectives.
- Ensure inter agency coordination and cross-sectoral dissemination of strategic findings;
- Ensure full participation of stakeholders in project activities;
- Assist in organizing project reviews and contracting consultancies under technical assistance;
- Provide guidance to the Project Manager.
- Provide guidance regarding the technical feasibility of the project.
Membership of the PB shall include individuals or groups representing the interests of the parties concerned, which provide funding for specific cost sharing projects and/or technical expertise to the project.
Project Management Unit (PMU)
The Project Management Unit is responsible for day-to-day implementation and management. It is notably responsible for technical support to all activities and establishing technical working relationships with a range of projects and programmes and activities in the targeted areas and sectors.
Tasks of the PMU include:
- Preparing Annual and Quarterly work plans;
- Preparing Financial and progress report;
- Preparing TOR for all activities, inputs and services;
- Overseeing the identification, selection and supervision of all service providers;
- Providing technical support to the implementation of climate-resilient income generating activities and specific adaptation measures at the community level. This includes regular visits to project sites to observe and advise on all local activities;
- Providing technical support and direct inputs to all capacity development activities at local, communal and regional levels. This includes the design and implementation of training programmes;
- Prepare policy papers, recommendation, as appropriate and necessary;
- Ensuring coordination with all related projects in the sector and related sector;
- Arrange and ensure the smooth implementation of all PB meetings;
- In-between PB meetings, ensure the PB members are informed of all major developments and reports on a regular basis as specified by the PB (note: this should take place at least twice a year other than planned PB meetings);
- Building working technical partnerships;
- Overseeing lesson learning and lesson dissemination;
- Providing training in line with work plans and budget;
- Implement the M&E plan;
- Oversee communications: website, newsletters, leaflets, etc.;
- Ensure that appropriate accounting records are kept, and financial procedures for NIM are followed;
- Facilitates and cooperates with audit processes at all times as required.